WBD Website and WBD stands for warbears department.

This is The WBD website i shall introduce you to all of the Members.

Commander: Actionboy10. he likes to drink his coffee and his favourite show is MacGyver and likes Ferrari's.

Agent Steve: Frankengoober. Likes Warbeer's, Ladies and His Rifle but he hates screaming Squirels.

Agent Lucas: Anman. he likes missiles,bombs,grenades,beanies, and Plastique.

Agent Ryoh: Ken. He lieks his two katanas and LOVES sushi but hates mechanical Fish.

Agent Kla: He Loves His Nintendo DS,hacking systems;electronics,computers,Wii, and Techno Music.

We'll it looks like you've met Everybody But if you have no idea what im talking about go to www.warbears.com and you'll figure it out.

WBD HQ. Actionboy Smiths House Of The WBD Agents

This is WBD Department for Anman Burritos,Frankengoober Simpson,Ken Panzerotten, and Johnathen Svolitare.but make sure you don't show this HQ in public